A game changer in the development and fast tracking of your most senior female talent.
The case for developing, retaining and advancing women in the world of work continues to gain momentum.
While strides are being made to impact the number of women in middle to senior management through programmes like IgniteHer, the very top circles of leadership remain male-dominated – with very little representation of women in top jobs.

We have found that there are several enablers to ensuring the effective transition of women to senior leadership and executive positions. These include:
ExcelHer is not a training programme, it is an intervention that effectively addresses both the mindset and career strategy of eligible women together with leadership playing a key role in paving the space for women to thrive and represent the business at the highest level.
Like IgniteHer, it is driven by understanding each woman’s unique needs and curating a journey to support her strategic advancement in the organisation while developing her strategic, business and commercial acumen.
A core differentiator to the IgniteHer programme is the practical involvement and support offered to line managers, mentors and sponsors in advancing women into senior leadership positions.

A core philosophy of the IgniteHer movement is the emphasis on women taking personal accountability and the creation of a sustainable platform and community for women to connect in a supportive way.
Benefits of ExcelHer
Active involvement of the manager, mentor and sponsor in ensuring the effective development and promotion of the women – supporting application, integration and ROI
Dealing ‘head on’ with the internal and external barriers women face in the journey to senior leadership
A bespoke strategy for each woman based on her specific opportunity, gaps and criteria for success
Both the woman and organisation are accountable for success
Designed and run in a way that is measurable and achievable